Friday, 4 November 2011

When Pigs Fly: Chapter 16

Chapter 16
                Time heals all wounds. 

I don’t believe that.
                “Ninety-nine…one hundred!  READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!!”  I uncovered my eyes and set off to find Katie and Leo.  If I was stuck babysitting, I was determined to make the most of it.  I snuck out of the living room as quietly as I could.  I knew they weren’t in there, seeing as it was against the hide-and-seek rules.
                Let’s see, I thought, where to start?  I decided to look in the kitchen; Katie almost always hid there.  She was tiny, for a five-year-old, and somehow always managed to squeeze herself into a cupboard. 
                As I tiptoed into the kitchen, I immediately knew I had trapped her.  “Hmm…Where on Earth could Katie be?” I wondered loudly, my eyes never leaving the toes that were sticking out from underneath of the tablecloth.  I heard a small gasp and her toes quickly disappeared under the table.  “Well,” I practically shouted, “I guess she’s not in here…”  Her quiet, gleeful giggles were almost too much for me, but there was no way I was about to lose this game to a five-year-old.
                “Gotcha!” I cried, sticking my head under the table.
                “Aww!  How did you know?” Katie asked with a pout, her bottom lip sticking out.
                “I’m magic,” I teased, wiggling my fingers at her.  “C’mon, help me find Leo!  I need your expert finding skills!”
                Katie perked right up.  With a smile, she got out from under the table and ran out of the room, giggling; I could hear her calling Leo’s name.  Laughing, I thought to myself, Good luck, kiddo.  He isn’t gonna answer.
                I decided to get myself a snack.  Katie would want to find Leo on her own. 
                As I poured some Frosted Flakes into a bowl, I heard two loud thuds coming from upstairs.  My blood turned to ice and I sprinted up the stairs. 
                “Oh my God!” I cried, looking at my little brother and sister lying motionless on the carpet of Leo’s bedroom.  “Leo?!  Katie?!”  I tried shaking them, but they didn’t move.
                “Don’t worry, Nicole.  They’re fine.”  I turned my head and looked at my mother. 
                “Mom?  I thought you and dad went to the movies.” 
                She shook her head.  “We were never gone, darling.  Don’t worry.  You’ll understand soon enough.”  My mother smiled.  “Your father and I are…changing things for the better.  Sarah was done weeks ago.  Katie and Leo just need to wake up.  Trust me, honey, you won’t feel a thing.”
                I still didn’t understand what was going on, but every part of me was screaming “RUN!”  So I did.  I ran outside and I hid in the bushes.  My game of hide-and-seek had quickly gotten much scarier than I liked.
                “Nicole!”  I could hear my mom calling me, her voice getting closer and closer.
                “Nicole!”  I woke up with a jolt and a gasp.  Zeke was shaking me, a worried expression on his face.  “Hey, I’ve been trying to wake you up for a while now.  Are you okay?” 
                My cheeks felt wet and I realized the cause of his concern; I had been crying. 
                “Yeah,” I wiped the tears away.  “It was just a bad dream.  Go back to sleep.”
                Zeke had been sharing a room with me for the past few weeks.  It had been months since the death of my family, but I still felt the pain every day.  For some reason, I found that I wasn’t able to fall asleep without someone else being in the room.  I had tried, but my efforts only resulted in an irritable, sleep-deprived me the next morning.  Zeke had been good about the whole situation—I didn’t even have to ask him to stay with me; he offered. 
                Zeke’s breathing slowed as he fell asleep again and I tried to match my breathing to his; attempting to relax.  How did a dream that started off so well, go so wrong so quickly? 
                With a deep sigh, I laid back and drifted into a dreamless sleep.



Thursday, 20 October 2011

Doctor Who

*blushes* ya I know.  I haven't been on in quite a while now...BUT IT'S NOT MY FAULT!  I have been so swamped with homework and work-work and chores and sleep deprivation and....stuff in general.  I'M SORRY!!  Anywho!  Want to know what is amazing?  Drum roll please!!


This is my new favorite show.  I am totally and completely obsessed with everything and anything Doctor Who related!  I have watched every episode of the 6 most recent seasons and have even watched a few of the episodes from the 60's!  Yup!  That's right, the 60's.  Doctor Who has been on since the 60's.

So, you may be asking, "Kim, which is your favorite Doctor?"  Or you might NOT actually be asking that.  You may be thinking to yourself, "My goodness.  That girl is a total NERD!  TIME TO UNFOLLOW!!"

1st- Doctor Who is amazing.  I too once thought that it sounded stupid.  I mean really!  A dude who is over 900 years old who travels through time and space in a blue box?  PUH-LEEZ!!  All I'm saying is, don't knock it until you try it!
2nd- I would like to take this opportunity to thank my guy friends for talking about this show so much that I decided to watch it when I was sick.
3rd- There are some crazy twists and turns in the plots of this TV show!  I am currently afraid of angel statues, the dark (though I was afraid of that anyways...), and have sat at my computer screen a few times literally looking like this:  O.O
4th- I can't decide between the Doctors...they all have amazing qualities.  The 9th Doctor is awesome because of his accent and his badassness.  The 10th Doctor is awesome because he is David Tennant (*swoon*), is Scottish (SCOTTISH!!), and did I mention that he is TOTALLY SUPERMEGAFOXYAWESOMEHOT?!?!  And the 11th Doctor is amazing because at first he thinks he's a girl, he eats fish fingers and custard like a pro, he is HILARIOUS, and he makes bow ties and fezs (fezes? fezz? fez's?) super cool!

I also recommend listening to the band Chameleon Circuit.  Charlieissocoollike and Alex Day are both band members.  This band is BRITISH ('nuff said) and writes music about Doctor Who.  They are actually pretty good!

Anywho!  I am going to write more of When Pigs Fly for you and hopefully I'll have something else posted tonight!


Sunday, 16 October 2011

Chameleon Circuit

Why Chameleon Circuit Rocks!
A post by Stupid_Nickel
Hello interwebers!!  It’s me again!  Nickel!  *cue applause*  Thank you, thank you!!  ….What?  No one is clapping?  Oh…..awkward…..
I would like to talk to you all about something amazing.  Incredibly amazing.  Supermegafoxyawesomehot awesome!!  Drum roll please! 
What’s that?  You say you don’t know what Chameleon Circuit is?!?  *dies*
JUST KIDDING!  I’m not really dead!  It’s time for a lesson, though.
First off, the term “Chameleon Circuit” is from the TV show, Doctor Who.  It is basically the thing that allows the TARDIS (The Doctor’s time and space machine) to change how it looks on the outside.  It’s broken, which is why The Doctor flies around in a big blue police box.
Chameleon Circuit is a band.  They are amazing for multiple reasons!  Here are some of them:
1-     - They are English.  Like, from London.  This means that they have British accents….‘Nuff said!
2-     - Their songs are based on Doctor Who.  This is possibly the best TV show of all time.  It’s been going on since the 60’s!
3-     - Charlieissocoollike and Nerimon, the YouTube bloggers, are band members.
4-     - There is a song called Still Not Ginger.  Yes, The Doctor wants to be a ginger.
5-     - One of their albums is still called Still Got Legs.
6-     - They came up with the term “Trock” aka “Time Lord Rock.”

I will now share with you my 5 favorite songs by them!  Here they are, in no particular order!

Sunday, 18 September 2011

When Pigs Fly: Chapter 15

hey guys!  sorry it took so long for such a short chapter.  i was having a lot of trouble with it though.  here it is!  ill try to get 16 out asap!

Chapter 15
                Reliving memories filled my eyes with tears, but I held them in.  I would not cry.  At least, that’s what I kept telling myself.  I needed someone to be with me so badly, but, at the same time, I wanted to be left alone.  I needed to be alone in my misery for now. 
                It was then that I heard the voices.  I recognized most of them; Zeke, Joe, Ben, Catherine, Hope, TJ—they were all calling my name, looking for me, expecting me to answer.
                Of course, I thought bitterly.  When I desperately need someone with me, there’s no one.  But, as soon as I want to be alone…
                Why does God hate me? I wondered. 
                After about an hour, they stopped calling my name, finally realizing that I wasn’t going to answer.  They didn’t give up searching though.  No, now my simple need for solitude became a giant game of hide-and-seek.
                After a while, I thought that everyone had left the room.  That was until; I could hear the rustling of moving cornstalks.  I held my breath and tried to be as small and as quiet as I could.
                “Nicole?  I know you’re in here.  Come on out, it’s just me here.”  I should have known.  Zeke.
                Leave me alone! I silently wailed as a tear escaped. 
                Zeke pushed his way through the corn into the small area that I was hiding in.  He took one look at the expression on my face, and his filled with pity.  “Oh, Nicole,” he whispered.
                That did it; I broke down.  Those two words broke through the dam that was holding back my tears and I started sobbing hysterically.  Sobbing into my hands, I felt Zeke sit down next to me and wrap his arms around me.  I turned into the hug and threw my arms around him, bawling into his shirt.  Zeke just held me.
                “They’re gone!  They’re all gone!” I wailed. 
                “I am so sorry,” he whispered.  It felt like he wasn’t only apologizing because he had brought my family here—he was apologizing for everything that had happened to me.
                I sobbed harder.
                They’re all gone…

Saturday, 10 September 2011

About chapter 15

hey.  I've been having trouble writing chapter 15 for a while.  I wrote it, but it didnt turn out very good.  I want it to be awesome for everyone who reads my book, so it might still be a little while.  i just finished writing the first part, and im not sure how long this chapter will be.  ill get it out asap.  just thought i would let you know!
with love,
stupid_nickel :D

Monday, 5 September 2011

When Pigs Fly: Chapter 14

                “No, Nikki!  Don’t pull it out!”
                “Katie, you’ve been complaining about this tooth for two weeks now!  It’s practically falling out of your mouth!”  She could be so frustrating sometimes!  Her tooth has been loose for almost three weeks and it’s finally ready to come out.  It’s about time too!  Katie has been driving us all up the wall with her non-stop tooth-wiggling!  Problem is she’s too scared to let me pull it out.
                “I’ll tell you what,” I said, exasperated.  “Let me just tie the floss around it, and then you can pull it out.  Deal?” 
                She looked me over—distrusting me.  Finally she agreed.
                “Okay, but you have to promise to let me do it.  Not like the last time!” 
                I chuckled at the memory.  I had told her the same thing, and pulled her tooth out anyways.
                “I promise, Katie.  Now open up!”  I tied the floss around her tooth—man, was it ever loose!—and tightened it.  “Just let me make sure it’s tight enough—“  And with that, I yanked the tooth out.
                “OUCH!” she cried, clutching her mouth.  “Nikki!  You promised!” 
                I showed Katie my crossed fingers, laughing at the shocked expression she wore.  I gave her some gauze to stop the bleeding and handed her the tooth. 
                “I’m not going to let you near my mouth, ever again!” she yelled.
                I turned my back on her and walked away.  “That’s what you said last time,” I chuckled.  “And the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that!”
                I shut the door to my room, Katie’s shrill voice screaming, “MOM!”
                I opened my eyes to the sound of my cell-phone vibrating.  Groaning, I rolled over to look at my alarm clock.  Who the hell is calling me at ten in the morning?  It’s Saturday!  Angrily, I answered the phone, internally cursing the caller to the fiery depths of Hades. 
                “What do you want?” I croaked.
                “Nikki, honey, get up!” my dad ordered.
                “Dad?”  Okay, now I was confused.  “Why are you calling me?  Aren’t you at home?”
                “Yes, I’m upstairs.  The refrigerator guy is here.  Get dressed and get your butt upstairs.”
                “What?  Why—“
                “He’s very good looking, sweetheart…”
                Sighing, I rolled out of bed.  This is just like him, I thought, thoroughly irritated.  Waking me up, just because I apparently need a boyfriend. 
                 After taking a quick shower, getting dressed, and brushing my teeth, I went upstairs.  Dad was right: he was cute!
                “Hi.”  I said.
                Oh, great, I thought.  Beepbeepbeepbeepbeep!  Gay-dar alert!  Why is it always the good looking ones…
                My dad’s voice interrupted my train of thought.
                “Thanks so much for installing the fridge for us!”
                “Oh, it was no problem.”  He opened the door to leave, when my dad decided to fully embarrass the both of us.
                “You know, as soon as you leave, Nicole here is going to go on and on about how good looking you are!”
                Turning bright red, I yelled, “DAD!”
                “Umm, actually, I’m taken.”  He replied awkwardly.
                “Oh, really?” 
                No dad, please for the love of all that is Holy, don’t!
                He did.  “Well, she must be very lucky.”
                “Yes, he and I are very happy together.” 
                As soon as the door shut, I hit my dad.  “How, could you embarrass me like that?!” I cried.  “He was so obviously gay!”
                “Sorry, I guess my ‘gayness-radar’ isn’t as good as yours.”  He laughed to himself.
                Shaking my head, I sighed.  There were just some things he would never get right.
                “Please, don’t do this to me.”  I could hear Sarah begging with someone.    Oh well, I thought.  I can’t fall asleep anyways.  I crept out of my room and saw Sarah talking to someone on the phone.  She was…crying.
                “Dante, don’t,” she sobbed.  “I love you.”  After a pause, she hung up the phone and broke down.
                I rushed over to Sarah and wrapped my arms around her.  “Sarah, what’s wrong?” I asked.
                She replied between sobs.  “Dante…broke…up…with…me!” she wailed.
                “Oh Sarah.”  I felt so bad for her.  Dante was always such a jerk.  I was glad that she wasn’t dating such an asshole anymore, but my heart still broke for her.  I knew I couldn’t say anything to make her feel better, so I just held her and let her soak my shirt with her tears.  After all, what are little sisters for?
                “Here, Nicole, try this one on!” 
                I groaned.  I swear, I think that my mom takes me shopping, just because she knows how much I hate it! 
                I picked up the dress that had flown over the change room door and resisted gagging. 
                There was no way in Hell that I was ever going to be seen in something that had so much pink!  And worse, more frills than a carnation!  Ugh!  It was a monstrosity!
                “Mom,” I whined.  “I can’t wear this!  It’s horrible!  I sooo don’t like stuff like this!”
                I opened the change room door to see my mom pouting.  “You just don’t like it because I picked it out.”  Of course: the guilt card.  She always knew exactly when to play it.  She knew that I was powerless against it.
                Fine.”  I sighed.  I would put on the…dress…just long enough for her to see it.  Then it would be out of my life for good.
                As I slipped the thing on—eww, silk!—I cursed myself for being so weak willed against my mother’s wishes.  I checked myself out in the mirror before opening the door.  It was repulsing!  I looked like a brunette Barbie!
                “Oh, honey, you look adorable!!” my mother crowed.  Well, as long as she’s happy…
                Before I could slink back behind the door, a couple of boys from my class walked by, noticed me and the horrendous pink…thing…I was wearing, and snickered at me.  It was mortifying! 
                Why does my mom have to have such horrible taste in clothes? I asked myself. 
                Closing the door behind me, I shrugged off the dress and savored the sensation of putting my jeans back on.  Denim; it was just like therapy to me.
                I was dancing around my room in gym shorts and an old shirt, singing ACDC’s “Back in Black” at the top of my lungs into my hairbrush.  Yes, this is normal for me.
                In the middle of an especially epic air-guitar solo—if I do say so myself,—Leo barges into my room.  Immediately, I stop what I’m doing and try to look normal.
                “H-hey Leo,” I stammered.  “What’re you doing here?  I thought you were over at Nathan’s.”
                Giving me a weird look, he demands “Why did you stop?”  Pulling his drumsticks out from behind his back, he smiles.
                With Leo on drums and me on guitar, we made a pretty good air-band.
                I felt a twinge of happiness at these memories.  But I was still too overcome with grief to crack even the tiniest of smiles.  Of course, I couldn’t only remember happy times.  So many times of sadness, anger, hurt, and envy ran through my mind.  I also remembered fights I had gotten into over stupid things like boys and who gets to pick the movie we watched.  One particular fight played on repeat in my mind.
                “Arg!  You stupid phone!”  Thump!  Sarah’s shouting and the sound of something hitting the wall woke me up.  I looked at my clock; 1:43am.  Why was Sarah still yelling at her phone?!
                My door burst open and I cringed at the light that seeped in.  “Nicole, give me your phone,” Sarah ordered.
                “What?  Why?” I croaked
                “Because mine isn’t working and I need to talk to Evan.”  Of course.  Evan.  Sarah’s newest guy.  I wasn’t about to give her my phone though.  I was almost out of minutes.
                So I lied.  “I can’t.  It’s dead.  But you know,” I started, “there’s this new thing I invented called a land-line.  Why don’t you call him on that?”
                “Fine!” she cried.  “You don’t have to be such a bitch about it though!”
                “I’m the bitch?!”  Sure, I’m a bit cranky, but I’m tired!  I thought.  She’s the one waking me up at quarter to two in the morning and demanding my phone!
                “What’s that supposed to mean?!” she hissed.
                You woke me up at this hideous time in the morning, on a school night to boot, and call me a bitch for telling you to call your stupid boyfriend on the house phone!  You are such a hypocrite!”  Sarah opened her mouth to talk but I wasn’t finished.  “You push me around all the time and I’m sick of it!  All I do is support you!  Remember when Dante dumped you?!  I was there to pick up the pieces.  But not anymore.  Go find someone else to boss around!”
                Sarah stormed out of my room.  She looked so…hurt.  Maybe that was harsh, I thought, but she needed to hear it.  I did the right thing…I think.
                Sarah didn’t talk to me the next three days.  I thought about apologizing quite a few times, but I was still angry.  I wanted to hear her say “sorry” first.
                On the fourth day, I wasn’t angry anymore.  Now I just felt bad.  I was brushing my hair when I decided to make things right.  After dinner, I decided.
“Come on Nikki!” my brother called.  “We’re leaving!”
“Coming, Leo!”  I yelled back.  I finished brushing my hair and ran out of the house.  “Why are we going to Mr. and Mrs. Chase’s house again?”
                “I’m sorry, Sarah,” I whispered. 
                “I am so, so sorry.”

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

When Pigs Fly: Chapter 13

I didn’t cry.
                Let me rephrase that.  I couldn’t cry.  My entire family was dead.  God knows I wanted to cry—that I needed to cry—but I couldn’t.  I had to be strong.
                Looking at my family, I felt more pain than I could have ever imagined, but I held it inside.
                I walked to my dad and held his calloused hand in mine.  How could you do this to me?  I screamed in my head.  My eyes watered, but I didn’t let the tears fall.  You left me when I needed you the most!  How COULD you?!
                Zeke chose that moment to walk through the doorway.  All I saw was the limp object Zeke had in his arms.
                “Well?”  Ben sounded hopeful.
                “I got there too late,” Zeke replied, shaking his head.  “Gone, just like the others.”
                I watched as Zeke placed my little brother on the cot next to Katie.  Looking up, I noticed that Doc’s eyes had welled up with tears; Zeke was trying to comfort him, his hand on Ben’s shoulder.  I probably should have felt angry—or jealous—that Zeke was comforting Ben rather than me, but I didn’t.  My mind only processed that Ben was taking their death almost as hard as I was.
                “Don’t worry, Ben,” Zeke said soothingly.  “There’s always next time.”  He turned to me.  “Nicole, are you okay?  You’ve been weirdly quiet all this time.”
                “They’re all dead.” I whispered.  I didn’t have the strength to say it any louder.
                Sighing, Zeke ran his fingers through his hair.  “Yeah, we’ve been trying to figure out how to get the parasites out of the bodies for a while now.  It all keeps going to shit, though.”
                I walked over to the cot Sarah was lying on.  Stroking her blonde curls I sighed.  “Why did you do this to me?” I whispered to her, though I knew she couldn’t hear me.  “Oh, Sarah…”  Holding the pain inside became even harder.
                “Nicole,” Zeke started carefully.  “Did you…did you know them?”
                I looked into his eyes.  When I spoke, it was barely a whisper.  “All gone.  They’re all gone.  My whole family…just…gone.”
                I couldn’t name the expression on Zeke’s face.  It was a mixture of probably a dozen emotions.  Sadness, anger, and pity were all a fraction of his expression.
                I needed to do something before I completely broke down.  Normally, in a fight or flight situation, I choose fight.  But, how could I fight this?  How could I fight my family being dead?  I really only had one option. 
                I ran.
                After running for a few minutes, I realized that I actually didn’t know where I was headed.  I turned down one of the darker hallways to catch my breath and decide what my next move would be. 
                I knew that I needed to be alone; I couldn’t face people right now—especially not Zeke.  I don’t think there even is somewhere in these caves where I can go to be alone, I thought.  I could always go outside—I shuddered.  Even now, there was no way I was leaving the safety of the caves by myself. 
                Quicker than a blink, I saw—in my mind’s eye—where I could go.  I briefly checked to make sure that the coast was clear, and then, I was off again.
                As I sat, hiding, I was determined not to cry.  I would be strong.  However, I couldn’t do anything about the memories that bombarded me.  At least no one would come looking for me in the middle of the cornfield…I hoped.
                Struggling against the nearly overwhelming tears, I let the memories envelop me; they were all I had left of my family.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

When Pigs Fly: Chapter 12

No!  No, please, God.  No!  The alien was still inside of him.  The hope that had vanished.
                “NO!” I cried, tears welling up in my eyes.  “No, no, no, no!  Leo, please!  I know you’re in there!  You have to be there!  I need you!  Leo!  Dammit, Leo, I can’t do this on my own!”  At this point, I was clutching his shoulders in desperation.  This couldn’t be happening—not now!
                “Star, what’s wrong with you?!” He cried. 
                “Leo, it’s not Star!  It’s me, it’s Nikki!  Your sister!  Please, Leo, fight it!  Take back control!  Please, Leo!  Do it for me!”
                Leo shook his head.  “Who are you talking to?  There’s no one in here,” he said.  “Only me.  This is my body.”
                My mind searched for ideas frantically.  Maybe I can talk to the thing inside his head…make him give Leo back!  It was worth a shot.  What did I have to lose?
                “Look…uh…Running Through the Snow,” I tried.  “This is my little brother’s body.  I need him!”   I crouched down so our eyes were level.  “He’s all that I have left!  Can’t you see that?  Please.”  I started sobbing and I found that my legs could no longer support me; they were shaking too much.  I fell to my knees and pleaded with him—it—silently with my eyes. 
                But, my plan had failed.  I knew that as soon as I looked the parasite in the eyes.  They were cold and unfeeling.  “I’m sorry,” he said.
                My entire body went numb with those two words.  Leo wasn’t there. 
                “But,” I started; some small part of me still clinging to a tiny shard of hope, “if Leo isn’t there, why are you here?”
                “Nicole!”  I turned around to find Zeke running down the hall towards me.  “Grab it!” he yelled.  “Don’t let it go!”
                “What’s going on?” I looked at my brother’s face, searching for answers.  He looked me straight in the eyes and said two words:
                “I’m sorry.” 
                And with that, he collapsed.
                The blood drained from my face.  “L…Leo?” I whispered.  This couldn’t be happening.
                Leo!  Leo, talk to me!”  I had started to tremble when something caught my attention:
                A trail of blood running out of my brother’s nostril. 
                My throat constricted and I couldn’t breathe.  No, I have to be wrong.  He just…he just…fainted…  I couldn’t, no, I wouldn’t believe that the unthinkable had just happened.
                “Nicole!  Nicole, what happened?”  Zeke had finally reached us.
                “I…I don’t know!  He just…collapsed!”
                Zeke yelled out a few choice words and ran his hand through his hair. 
                “Zeke,” I asked, “What is he doing here?  Is he okay?”
                Zeke shook his head and acted as if he hadn’t heard me.  “Shit.  Why do they all do that?”
                “Do what?!  Zeke!  What.  Is.  Going.  On?!”  My voice was becoming increasingly louder.  I didn’t want to know what Zeke was going to say; I had a horrible feeling about it.  But, I had to know.
                “We were on the raid, finishing up, you know?  These buggers were getting too close to us, so…we grabbed them.  We figured that Ben could try to get the centipedes out of the bodies, but, before he could touch them, they did this.”  He gestured to Leo.  “Ben opened one up.  I guess it, sort of, committed suicide or something.  The human’s brain was shredded; it looked like cottage cheese.”
                I gagged.  “But wait, that would mean that…“ My eyes grew wide and I couldn’t finish.  I looked at my brother in horror.
                “LEO!” I was screaming now.  I was hysterical; I could barely form coherent thoughts.  Only one thing ran through my head over and over.  Leo is dead.  He’s never coming back.  Leo is dead.
                Zeke didn’t know what to make of the scene before him.  He just stared at me, flabbergasted.
                As I cried over my little brother’s broken body, something in my head clicked and my blood ran colder than it ever had before. 
                Barely a second had passed and I was up and running towards Ben’s.  “Why do they all do that?” Zeke had asked.  He said buggers.  Plural.  God, please let me be wrong.
                I made it to Ben’s in record time.  He looked up at me when I walked in—his eyes red and puffy like he’d been crying—and spoke.  “Nicole?  What are you doing here?”
                I couldn’t answer, though.  My eyes were locked on the four shapes hidden under a blanket.  I couldn’t think; couldn’t speak; couldn’t breathe; couldn’t move.  But, I had to.  I walked over to the shapes robotically, afraid of what would come next.  Reaching towards the blanket, my mind was screaming at me.  Don’t do this!  Walk away!  You don’t want to know what’s under there!  I didn’t want to know.  I had to.
                I ripped the blanket away, barely comprehending what was lying before me.  I looked into the four pale, still faces of the only family I that had left and realized something.
                My life was a lot like Humpty Dumpty’s.  Once I’m up, it’s only a matter of time before everything comes crashing down.

When Pigs Fly: Chapter 11

                That one word, that one name, brought back a multitude of memories.  Before I knew it, I was engulfed in them.
                My face was becoming increasingly red.  “LEO!” I gasped between laughs.  “Stop…tickling…ME!  SERIOUSLY!  I’m…gonna…PEE!”  I could hardly breath, I was laughing so hard.  Leo was sitting on top of me, pinning me to the floor.
                “Not until you say it!” my little brother laughed. 
                “FINE!” I cried.  “Oh most….great and….incredible Leo….please let… UP!....PLEASE!!!”  I couldn’t take it anymore.
                Laughing darkly, Leo stopped tickling me and let me up.  Slowly, I could feel the oxygen returning to my lungs. 
                Glaring at him, I whispered “You’re going to pay for that.”
                “Oh, really?” he asked sarcastically.
                “Yup.”  And with that, I pounced.
                It took a lot of energy to stop crying about my break up with Christian.  I was still sniffling when Leo knocked. 
                “Nikki?”  He asked carefully.  He sounded like he was afraid he might make me start crying again.
                Wiping my eyes quickly, I let him into my room.  Leo took one look at me and then frowned.
                “I’ll kill him,” he stated murderously.  “He made you cry.  He shouldn’t do that, not to you.”
                I sniffed.  “Thanks, Leo, but you don’t have to do that.”  He hugged me.
                “Want me to compare him to dog barf?” he asked innocently.  “’Cause I will…”
                Laughing, I wondered how this eleven year old kid always managed to cheer me up.
                I was babysitting Leo and we decided to go to the mall.  However, after a few hours, we were bored.
                Leo’s eyes suddenly lit up.  “You know what would be awesome?” he asked excitedly.
                Leo whispered his plan into my ear and a grin slowly spread across my face.  I nodded at him and we high-fived.
                As we neared the exit, I executed his plan.
                “No, Leo!” I shouted.  “We’re leaving.  Now!”
                “But mom,” he whined, “I don’t want to!”
                I dragged him out of the mall, chastising him for being such an awful child and we laughed the whole walk home at the priceless looks people had on their faces.
                Quoting A Very Potter Musical and funny comedians with him; laughing at each other on April Fool’s days; fighting and then making up an hour later; watching superhero movies on the couch; singing I’ll Make A Man Out Of You from Mulan at the top of our lungs as off key as we possibly could.  All these memories and more flooded my thoughts. 
                When my mind had finally cleared, I noticed that Leo was giving me a strange look.
                “Leo?” he asked, looking around.  He pointed to himself.  “Are you talking to me?”
                The hair on the back of my neck stood up; something didn’t feel right.  “Leo,” I said, “don’t kid around.  This is serious.”
                “Oh,” he cried, a look of understanding crossing his face.  “You mean my body!  No, it’s me, Running Through the Snow.  What are you doing here, Star?”

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

When Pigs Fly: Chapter 10

After that night, Zeke and I were inseparable.  He introduced me to everyone in the caves and gave me a more detailed tour.  I also found out what Joe had meant when he told Zeke he had to “talk to Matt about the corn”; they had a vegetable garden inside the caves!  The room where they grew their crops was very well lit, and they had created an irrigation system to keep everything from drying out!  The more Zeke showed me, the more amazed I became.  It was incredible down here!  Being with Zeke made it all the better.  After waking up in his arms, the morning after I cried on him, I had to accept the fact that I was in love…or at least…very deep in “like.”  However, I was afraid that he wouldn’t reciprocate the feeling.  My fears were quickly replaced with pleasure, though, when he took my hand wordlessly and kissed the top of my head. 
                I loved it here.  Something about the caves made me feel…alive again! 
                One day, while I was shucking corn, I found myself in a particularly good mood.  So, I did something I hadn’t in over three years; I sang. 
                So, shut up, shut up, shut up,
                Don’t wanna hear it!
                Get out, get out, get out,
                Get out of my way!
                Step up, step up, step up,
                You’ll never stop me!
                Nothing you say today is gonna bring me down!
                “Are you…are you singing?” asked Zeke, hearing my outburst.
                Blushing, I replied “Yes.  I kind of got carried away.  Sorry, I’ll stop.”
                “No, please!  Sing some more!” he exclaimed.  “Your face brighten right up when you sing!  I haven’t seen you this happy since…well, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy!” 
                Smiling, I teasingly asked if he had any requests.
                “Hmmm…do you know…”The Lazy Song” by Bruno Mars?”
                I scoffed.  Do I know it!
                Today I don’t feel like doing anything!” I paused to laugh after someone joined in and whistled.
                I just wanna lay in my bed!
                Don’t feel like picking up my phone,
                So leave a message at the tone,
                ‘Cause today I don’t feel like doing anything…
                Pretty soon everyone was putting in requests for songs they wanted me to sing.  It was a bit overwhelming; I had never sung in front of a crowd before.  It certainly did liven up the caves, though.
                When I was by myself, however, my singing expressed how I was feeling.  Knowing that I may never get back the life I had before the aliens: “Kiss It All Better” by He is We.  Thinking about Zeke and Joe finding me: “I’m With You” by Avril Lavigne.  My thrilled mood when I finally got to take a bath: “Tonight Tonight” by Hot Chelle Rae.  I even sang the Pokemon Theme song a few times. 
                My life was, somewhat, back to normal.
                I had been living happily in the caves for a few months now.  But not today.
                Looking down at my hands, I sighed.  Where are you, Zeke? I wondered. 
                A few weeks ago, Zeke, Joe, Caulin, TJ, Tim, Nico, and Dylan all went raiding.  Our food supply was running low and we needed some medical supplies.  I wanted to go too, but Zeke was dead set on me staying.  I missed him terribly. 
                Sighing, I remembered our conversation about the raid.
                “Nicole?”  I could hear him coming from down the hall but I didn’t answer; I was still sulking.  “Nicole?  I know you’re in there!”  Walking through the doorway he sighed.  “Nicole, why didn’t you answer me?” 
                I turned my head away from him.  It was petty and childish, but I was giving him the silent treatment.
                Sighing, Zeke sat next to me.  “I’ve told you a thousand times, Nicole.  The only reason you aren’t coming on the raid is that I don’t want you getting hurt!”
                “But you guys could use me!  I’ve told you a thousand times that I won’t get hurt!”  Oops.  So much for the silent treatment, I thought.  I never was one to keep quiet for very long…
                “I know, but I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if you got hurt.”  Zeke embraced me and I sighed.  I didn’t like worrying him, but I was worried for him too!
                “I’m just so scared that you won’t come back.  I don’t know what I would do if—“  I couldn’t even finish the thought.  It was heart wrenching. 
                “I swear, Nicole.  I will come back to you.  I don’t care what I have to do, but I will not let you down!”  His voice was so fierce.  I looked up at him and saw that his eyes blazing; he really meant it.  I knew that there was no way I would win this argument.
                Sighing in defeat, I squeezed him as tightly as I could and whispered two words:
                “Be safe.”
                They had been gone for three weeks now and I was sick with worry.  I hadn’t sung in a while; I was too depressed.  Everyone tried to console me, saying that they were normally gone for this long, but it didn’t help.  I would feel better with Zeke’s hand back in mine.
                 I was on my way to help make some bread, when someone came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder.  I turned around to see Faith, a huge grin plastered onto her face. 
                “Just thought you might like to know…they’re back!”  She had barely finished her sentence before I was racing through the caves, looking for Zeke.  I didn’t notice someone standing in my way until we had both crashed to the ground.
                “Sorry,” I started, rubbing my head.  I never got to finish apologizing, though, because when I looked up, I saw a mop of brown hair that I would know anywhere.
                No, it isn’t possible!  My thought raced.  How did he get here?!  I had dreamt of him just the other night and now he was sitting in front of me, nursing his wounds, so to speak!  I tried to say something to him, but all that came out was a garbled, choking sound.  Clearing my throat, I tried again.